We’re a Christian church in West Beach, Adelaide, that loves to introduce people to Jesus and help them find ‘life to the full’ in him.
There are many different types of Christian church, ours is Baptist, which simply means:
We’re just a group of local Christians learning to follow and represent Jesus together. We’re not an outlet of a larger organisation and receive no external funding. (We are associated with about 80 like-minded churches through Baptist Churches SA & NT.)
We take the bible seriously and have it as our standard and guide in knowing God and serving him together. The Bible shows how Jesus is Lord of all, head of the church, and on a mission to restore all things.
We all have a part to play. Like one body with different parts, we each have a God-given contribution to make. Pastors and leaders coach us, but we’re all called to be ministers who share God’s love in all we do.
God invites us but doesn’t impose himself on us. No-one is ‘automatically’ Christian just by belonging to a particular family or nation. He gives each of us the dignity of saying our own ‘yes’ to him, in the ceremony of baptism.
Co-Lead Pastor
Cathy has over 15 years experience in pastoral ministry and is passionate about local community engagement. She is also the Pastoral Care Worker at West Beach Primary School.
Co-Lead Pastor
Andrew is an experienced pastor with a passion for healthy, vibrant, fruitful churches. He also works for Australian Baptist Ministries leading Crossover. Andrew & Cathy have lived in West Beach for over 10 years.
Associate Pastor
Chris loves people with God’s strong love and delights in seeing them grow and flourish. He has a deep passion to see each person find their place in God’s family.
Next Gen Leader
We’re on the hunt for a great addition to our staff team, taking the lead in our next-generation ministries. Get in touch if you think it might be you! Or watch this space…
Get in touch
Email: hello@westbeachcommunity.church
Leave a message: (08) 6500 7504
Safe church
We are a diligent child-safe church.
West Beach Community Church and Baptist Churches SA & NT have joined the National Redress Scheme.
© 2024 West Beach Community Church